13 Tones of Creation
Getting consciously in tune with the cycle daily is a wonderful way to reconnect with our essence, feel part of the web of life and live in harmony with all existence
The 13 Tones of creation express the movement on our Journey through Life
1: Magnetic tone of Determination – The Magnetic Tone expresses Unity, Wholeness, Source Beings and establishes the tone and Purpose for what is to come… Represents the indivisible Unity of All that is.
Access the power of Oneness
Activates your Magnetic powers by
1. Seeing all beings as a part of yourself
2. Celebrating the one life we all share
3. Unifying with your soul’s calling
4. Allowing yourself to serve the Whole by pursuing your own heart’s purpose
5. Awakening to your highest aspirations and believing in your life’s purpose
6. Recognizing no separation exists between you and a boundless universe of possibility…
2: Lunar Tone of Evolution – Expresses Polarity, Challenge, Balance, Cooperative Alliance and Relatedness, Stabilize… Represents the principle of polarity.
Access the power of Counter-balance
Activates your Lunar powers by
1. Honoring the yin and yang of life as contrasting aspects of one wholeness
2. Welcoming challenges as opportunities for strength and growth
3. Being a bearer of stability
4. Challenging the consensus reality
5. Holding your personal perspective even when it isn’t popular, and yet on the contrary, being able to make dramatic shifts that offer coherence as you feel moved by inner knowing
6. Understanding obstacles to be necessary creative tension that can open new pathways of evolution…
3: Electric Tone of Execution – Expresses Rhythm, Movement, Flow, Change, Creativity, Sacred Trinity, and Activation… Represents both variability and cohesion.
Access the power of Connectivity
Activates your Electric powers by
1. Uniting and energizing your mind-body-spirit circuit
2. Allowing the electricity of your being to flow into all that you do
3. Finding and following your heart’s path of passionate aliveness
4. Assisting connections that amplify yours and others capacities to serve life
5. Vitalizing your deepest sense of self
6. Inspiring others to activate their deepest potential and share their inner treasures with the family of life…
4: Self-Existing Tone of Form – Four Seasons, Four Directions, Alignment with Natural Cycles, the Square that Lays a Foundation… Represents the principle of measure.
Access the power of Structure
Activates your Self-Existing power by
1. Honoring the importance of form and definition
2. Being a bringer of clarity and focus
3. Sensitizing to the subtle configurations created from the arrangement of energies, people and objects
4. Beholding the One Web of Life in its myriad of forms
5. Recognizing that the mental definitions we hold affect our perceptions and experiences of the world around us
6. Celebrating your capacities to trans-form…
5: Overtone of Radiance – Represents the invisible Center Point within everything.
Access the power of Center
Activates your Overtone powers by
1. Emanating your truths and transmitting your authentic shine
2. Taking charge of your path and developing confidence in your own light
3. Enlivening perspectives that empower yourself and those around you
4. Trusting your connection with the inner realms and the higher dimensions
5. Developing a connection to your deepest core – your essential sovereign strength and grace
6. Being centered in yourself, centered in the moment, and therefore centered in the center of all that is…
6: Rhythmic Tone of Balance – Organizing and Balancing – ever seeking ways to shift and adjust within the dance of life… Represents the rhythm of creative energy in motion.
Access the power of Vibration
Activate your Resonant powers by
1. Being attuned to the subtle energies of the moment
2. Knowing we are all essentially resonant beings – living matrices of vibration
3. Refining the frequencies you embody and express through your thoughts, words, and actions
4. Opening to the mystical power of the muse
5. Following your natural passion and allowing the inspiration that flows through you to uplift yourself and others
6. Fine-tuning your reality as needed to invoke greater inspiration and soul alignment in your life….
7: Resonant Tone of Unison – Selfhood (solid line) relating to the polarities with the Self and the Duality of the World… Represents the quality of energetic alignment.
Access the power of Vibration
Activate your Resonant powers by
1. Being attuned to the subtle energies of the moment
2. Refining the frequencies you embody and express through your thoughts, words, and actions
3. Being a conscious channel for energy and information
4. Following your natural passion and allowing the inspiration that flows through you to uplift yourself and others
5. Recognizing that by making even subtle shifts, hugely positive transformation can occur
6. Fine-tuning your reality as needed to invoke greater inspiration and soul alignment in your life….
8: Galactic Tone of Wholeness – expresses Alignment with the greater Galactic Grid – Centered and Living what it Believes. The Galactic tone encourages living our ideals with the pliability to bend to meet others when personal attachments can be let go for the greater good. Represents the patterned harmony of nature’s order.
Access the power of Wholeness
Activates your Galactic powers by
1. Seeing life from a larger perspective
2. Realizing our Earth and ourselves as members of a vast galactic whole
3. Integrating your being with the intrinsic harmony of nature
4. cultivating an inner sense of harmony and extending that energy to the world around you
5. Staying loyal to your truth regardless of external influence, yet discovering how to be in accord with the needs of others
6. Knowing yourself to be a fractal of a totality, one note in the song of the galaxy…
9: Solar Tone of Intention – Represents the non-linear connection between consciousness and the physical realm.
Access the power of Awakened Mind
Activates your Solar powers by
1. Realizing the multidimensionality of mind
2. Realizing it is the intention behind all words and deeds that is the true generator of their effects
3. Learning to consciously broadcast and emanate from your heart-mind-body connection as a beacon of illumination
4. Honoring the solar pulsations of light energy coming to us from the cosmos through our Sun
5. Wielding intention as the catalyst and shaper of manifestation
6. Knowing our aspirations and motivations are living, pulsing forces that unfold and manifest our reality, and ripple out far beyond us…
10: Planetary Tone of the Manifestation – Indicates a self or energy that has matured and can self-actualize. Represents actualization and fruition.
Access the power of Attainment
Activates your Planetary powers by
1. Being a manifester – one who makes things happen
2. Uniting the essence and the physical, merging spirit and matter
3. Dancing with the paradox of continually aspiring to become your best, while knowing that you are already perfect as you are right now
4. Actualizing your love for life and our planetary home
5. Acknowledging that all we bring to this world – our thoughts, words and deeds – directly contributes to the one planetary equation
6. Knowing yourself and all others as “planetary kin” – equal and essential member of earth’s community…
11: Spectral Tone of Liberation – In letting go of what no longer serves, and what has defined, we discover core essence. its energy is that of clearing and change and true illumination. Represents the power of creative dissolution and dissonant structure.
Access the power of Freedom
Activates your Spectral powers by
1. Releasing rigid concepts and definite notions of what should be
2. Surrendering to the “spectral flow” of spontaneous detours, seeming disruptions, and what may appear as chaos
3. Allowing structure to dissolve in order to be liberated into new possibilities
4. Freeing yourself and others from limiting perceptions
5. Letting go into the vastness of formlessness; by freeing your soul – releasing into the majesty of your full wing-span
6. Submitting your personal will to the Great Mystery as it reveals itself in every moment…
12: Crystalline Sound of Cooperation – its energy is one of the essence Self unified with the mystical truth of Polarity. Stability as one expands and evolves, connectedness, Universality – a higher order of coordination and multifaceted complexity. Represents the principle of complex stability ~ the crystallization of harmonized structure.
Access the power of Synergy
Activates your Crystal powers by
1. Being an instrument of higher order
2. Cooperating with your own higher self
3. Enlivening the wisdom of the circle – intentionally bringing community together
4. Following the crystalline clarity of your heart
5. Expressing your earthly wisdom in a form that can be widely received
6. Extending the magic of your soul to the Universal whole…
13: Cosmic Tone of Presence – Is the Tone of Presence, Transcendence and Freedom. It is the tone of “taking magical flight”. the Cosmic tone is the Essence Self that transcends the notion of linear time. In 13 we are elevated beyond conditioned responses and responsive to Universal Movement, the workings of destiny and limitless new openings…. Represents the dynamic of movement present in everything and by which everything is ever-changing and vivified by universal, cosmic life force.
Access the power of Omnipresence
Activates your Cosmic powers by
1. Being a disciple of the present moment
2. Cultivating your capacities to be wakeful and receptive to each new now
3. Allowing your cosmic spirit to carry you through the many journeys of trial and triumph this life has to offer
3. Transcending fears of the future; by transcending regrets of the past
5. Transcending the limits of linear time and synchronizing with the radial flow of synchronic reality
6. Recognizing us all to be but evolving children of an ever-unfolding cosmos…
Affirmations to use with the 13 Tones of Creation
I recognize no separation exists between myself and a boundless universe of possibility…
I understand obstacles to be necessary creative tension that can open new pathways of evolution…
I inspire others to activate their deepest potential and share their inner treasures with the family of life…
I celebrate my capacity to trans-form…
I am centered in myself, centered in the moment, and therefore centered in the center of all that is…
I am fine-tuning my reality as needed to invoke greater inspiration and soul alignment in my life….
I know myself to be a fractal of a totality, one note in the song of the galaxy…
I acknowledge my aspirations and motivations are living, pulsing forces that unfold and manifest our reality, and ripple out far beyond us…
I submit my personal will to the Great Mystery as it reveals itself in every moment…
I extend the magic of my soul to the Universal whole…
I am transcending the limits of linear time and synchronizing with the radial flow of synchronic reality…
This program is AMAZING!! I felt such an intense connection to EVERYTHING. I LOVE EVERYONE!! It truly feels like psilocybin without the tripping part. I’m so hooked on this program, I can’t even thank u enough!! Thank u Derek!! 💓
I have to say, my chakras have been more balanced than usual since I’ve been using this program. I feel like a different person. A beautiful, loving person in the flow state. I just am soooo in love with this program! 😍 thank you 😊 🙏 💓
Aloha Derek.
This new program seems impressive.
I wonder if it can help psychiatric / schizophrenic patients to calm down and stabilise?
I wanted to give you an update. I haven’t used my Healy in a while. Just started using it again due to extreme pain from a tattoo that recieved a bad chemical burn. I used the pain program. It helped .however when I put THIS program on…the relief was REMARKABLE. I had goosebumps on how beautiful this felt. It was far more than just pain relief. I felt like I was injected by pure bliss. WOOOOOOW!! I just woke up in pain from my puppy scratching my very painful tattoo on accident. It’s 3 a.m. and my go to…this 13 tones of creation. This should be called BLISS! Thank you for this beautiful program. I ❤️ you. DEREK. 💋 😘 😗