Divine Solfeggio
The Divine Solfeggio Frequencies take you to a place to a deeper connection with the divine, and with yourself, allow us to unshackle ourselves from the frailties we experience in our human form. The Divine Solfeggio’s are tools to get beyond the physical and truly delve into our spiritual nature. For to know the divine you must know yourself, to know yourself you must know the divine.
Name and Description of Frequencies
- Karmic Soul Contract -We all hold within our being, a unique expression our love, reflected as the light of our soul, what we call our Selves. This Love is our essential reason for being: it is our higher purpose. To feel alive, we share this purpose — our soul — with others around us. Such a reflection is also referred to as a spiritual purpose or a Soul Contract — which is to say that you hope to join and co-create with the CreatorThese are the star-seeded souls: incarnate upon the earth to fulfill or manifest a divine purpose for the greater good of humanity. These beings are here to be of service to the Spiritual Hierarchy. They choose to be selfless and to help their fellow humans free themselves from the shackles of slavery. These beings are the souls who are often compelled to become healers; they/you are good for the heart and your soul.
- For Remembering Mastery – We are each a master of our personal reality. Like the Spiritual Master, we each have the innate ability to shape our reality to our will—to tame it, to manipulate it in order to serve our high purpose. As we take control of our present reality, we are able to catapult it into magnificent expansion; we can upgrade our light into our life and community. This is an open call, intended for all souls and/or star beings regardless of where you are on your journey. There is no wrong time to begin recognizing your strengths. You are free to step up and expand your personal mastery at any time.This frequency encourages you to recognize your worth and remember why you are here. It says: Come, embrace your mastery! Step forward and shine! There is nothing to lose by unlocking the depths of your potential.
- Release from Belief System –What you believe about yourself and this world will be true to your reality. You have total control over your whole life and your destiny, so it’s not a case of how life treats you but how you make life happen for you, how you choose to react to the events and people around you.We all want to better the lives of those around us, but you cannot make positive changes with negative beliefs. Our beliefs are a collection of thoughts that have been repeated so many times that they become a belief, and in time will come true in our world.Universal law states that negative thoughts and beliefs will evoke negative emotions whilst positive thoughts will evoke positive feelings, so the key is positive believing. If your thoughts are coming from a negative state and you use affirmations or visualizing then you will be wasting your time, because it is the feelings that make the belief powerful and true. You must feel it first before it can manifest itself into an experience.
Helps you in releasing old beliefs that no longer serve you, you will be able to tap into your limitless capabilities and take control of your life. Instead of following old beliefs and the thoughts of others, you can begin living your life on your terms.
- Change in Awareness –More than we’d probably like to admit, so much of our day is spent in a state of self-delusion as we justify our actions. This becomes an internal dialogue that is repeated over and over, stunting our inner growth.The first step on any journey is to first realize where your are; the first step in the journey of self awareness is to realize, “You are perfect as you are.” You may wish to become more then you are at this moment, but you are in the perfect spot to make that change. There is always more of YOU to discover and become.The same is true in relation to the world. It is what it is, the perfect culmination of all that led to this moment, AND it needs a little work to become all it can be. So the challenge is to accept all that is, AND to participate in creating a better future for us all.
- DNA Healing –We can awaken our DNA to our highest potential. DNA healing accelerates the psychic senses. We as humans-becoming are now evolving and waking up dormant parts of our spiritual DNA. The DNA Activation is now becoming a part of the earth’s collective consciousness. Enough people have been Activated at this time so that it is happening spontaneously for many without the assistance of a practitioner or years of study.When enough people experience the Activation, the whole vibration of the earth will rise. This Activation from the collective consciousness that we all share. This Activation is happening and will continue for the next 10 to 20 years into the future.We have been given an opportunity to use our intuitive abilities in the next phase of our evolution. This evolution is the next level of our human consciousness.
- Connection to Oneness –
Oneness is much more than a just a concept. It’s an experience and a way of living.Scientists are in the process of proving the field that connects us is more than a belief that all life and matter are united by an underlying energy or consciousness. We will discover that at the very deepest (smallest) level, all things are energy. Deep within each cell, each molecule, each atom and nucleus, is an energy so subtle and yet so essential, all can be called “spirit.Oneness is the law of nature: what we do to others, we do to ourselves.If we truly understand this, then you do not need to be told to be kind; you do not need to be told to care for each other; and you do not need to be told to forgive, love or respect yourself.
You don’t worry about who wins — you want to be sure that no one loses. You love others as yourself, and you see the spark of the divine in all things.
You know that every experience is a lesson, a chance to grow toward understanding.
You know that we are all ONENESS.
- For Awakening to ones Divinity –Countless prophecies from around the world include tales of a time when an epic battle between the forces of light and dark would destroy the earth. The victorious forces, according to such tales, would be given the power to rule over a new reality. We have lived with these stories for so long that many of them are thought of as fairy tales.However, it is possible that contrary to popular belief, Armageddon is not a physical battle that can be fought and won on the battlefields of man; rather, it is a war that can only be won from within. The choice, then, is not decided by an unknown and vague source of power, but by you. Will you choose the service to self or service to others? Will you choose fear or love? Will you choose lack or abundance? Will you choose to recognize your own divinity and the divinity within all?Go forth and discover the forces of light and dark within you, and connect with your own power.
- Spiritual Embrace –Spiritual power emerges from embracing our soul and taking ownership of the power within, the piece of the Creator within each of us.However, we live at a time when few acknowledge, let alone nurture, their spiritual self. Not fully aware of their true eternal soul or deny its existence entirely. Many who do not know their spirit, may attend and be absorbed by their intellectual pursuits, careers, their family life, or basic survival instincts. These areas important as they are, cannot sustain us or provide fulfillment, as they reveal only a small part of the human experience.Our spirit enables us to acquire inner peace, genuine love, and real meaning, as well the gifts of the spirit.
- Communion with Oneness –True communication is communion, the realization of oneness the true expression of conditional love.We live in a time when the communication of information is one of the technological wonders of history. But communication of between humans is lagging far behind, and we are more isolated and solitary than ever. The news brings us the global information so effectively, we know much more about what is happening ten thousand miles away than we do about what is going on inside the heart and the spirit of our family and friends.The greatest struggles in life arise because of the inability to communicate, to commune (listen) with ourselves. Meditation is the way to learn to communicate with oneself, to fullness of being. To live a life enriched by meditation, whoever we choose to be. Meditation is a tool to discovering oneself, our own being and potential, our unique value and path to service.
The ultimate purpose of meditation is communion our oneness with the All and with all. The path is a path of simplicity achieved through silence. In the deep silence that each of us must discover in our own hearts, the mystery is revealed simply because we pay attention to it.
All Frequencies contain The Mana of the Big Island of Hawaii where my roots are. Mana is the spiritual life force energy or healing power that permeates the universe.