



The mind, body, and spirit connection is a wondrous thing. When you understand, support, and tap into its power, you access the three pillars of holistic healing and are better able to manifest your true desires.  The end result is Inner Peace and Wellness.

Less Overthinking
Not Dwelling on the Past
Less Worry Over the Future
Feeling Freedom
Quiet Confidence
Feeling of being Fulfilled

Contains frequencies for
Bio-rhythm Body
Awaking, energizing, invigorating Speaks the entire body to sacral chakra feet to the navel. Where felt: Around the heart.
Bio-rhythm Mind
Mental clarity, vigilance, attention, observation, mind, logic, concentration solar plexus sacral chakra. The biorhythm mind affects everything that concerns the mind and mental power. Where felt: Lumbar vertebrae to the neck, solar plexus.
Bio-rhythm Soul
Calms thoughts, causes mystical calm. Creates a connection between inside and outside. Where felt: Heart to the forehead area.
Come to Yourself 
Release all Fear.  To recover one’s senses.  To recover one’s capacity for sound judgment.
Inner Peace 
Feeling a deep sense of mental and spiritual harmony or serenity.
When you’re at peace, you have the ability to keep yourself grounded and strong, even in the face of turmoil or stress.
Self Connection
Living from within yourself not trying to find yourself externally but always returning home to the life energy inside and making choices that express and manifest your unique Self.
All frequencies Contains Mana of the Big Island of Hawaii where my roots are. Mana is the spiritual life force energy or healing power that permeates the universe.
In order to send your custom program(s) to your Healy device, I will need your EXPERT TAN. This can be found by logging into your Healy PINK DOT app and in the menu (near the bottom) is an option titled EXPERT TAN. You will need to ENABLE this and send me the 9 digit code that is generated. It is very important that you also select “OK” once the code is generated.
Please include your TAN in the  NOTES SECTION when submitting your custom program order!

2 comments on “ALIGNMENT

    • Aloha Narayandas, Don’t forget the Affirmation part because it is similar to getting into a taxi and not telling the driver where you want to go 😶
      Your intentions or your “Power of Command” awaken the frequencies and give them the direction and power to do their Magic.

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